5 Learnings from Batch One

After completing batch one, here are 5 things we learned:

  • We put the stickers on the candle tin before pouring the wax. After we poured the wax in the tins and let it cool, we torched the candle to make them look finished. During the torching, we accidentally burned some of the stickers. Moving forward, we will put the stickers after the candles have been made.
  • Another thing we learned was not to be afraid of pouring the wax into the tin because you can spill the wax. If you slow down the pouring of the wax too much, it will drip outside the tin. When you pour the wax, be confident. When you want to stop, just stop the pour.
  • We also learned not to cool the candle too fast otherwise it can cause the candle to sink in the middle, pull away from the tin or even crack. Luckily that only happened during the testing phase.
  • Melting wax normally took 30 minutes and waiting for the wax to cool enough to pour took an additional 15 minutes. This only made several 4-ounce candles. It took a long time because the melting pot was too small. The plan is to buy a large wax melter which can handle a lot of wax.
  • We made candles in small batches. If we made candles in larger batches, we would need more space.

Learnings from batch one will help improve the candle making process in the future.

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